We were using DentalPress theme on our server and domain while we had to change the server and domain. But changed it to country level about government rules. Now everytime I uploaded theme files to server (via WP or FTP doesn't matter) and activate it, site corrupts. When I changed it to WP'S default theme (Seventeen), site comes back.
We were using DentalPress theme on our server and domain while we had to change the server and domain. But changed it to country level about government rules. Now everytime I uploaded theme files to server (via WP or FTP doesn't matter) and activate it, site corrupts. When I changed it to WP'S default theme (Seventeen), site comes back.
How can you help us?
Please provide us your WP credentials so we can take a closer look at your site and provide you better feedback.
FlexiPress Support
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I did it privately. Just to mention.
Whoops! It was about server limits. Problem solved!
That is the most common reason for such issues. Glad you solved that.
Have a nice weekend,
FlexiPress Support
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