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  Public Ticket #1599150
Collapse submenus in mobile view


  •  1
    Onur tarakci started the conversation


    in mobile view submenus are not collapsing together and it is hard to find something looking for. How can i set to collapse submenus?

  •  106
    FlexiPress replied


    We need to make some customization so please provide us your WordPress credentials and we will fix that for you.


    FlexiPress Support

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  •  1
  •  106
    FlexiPress replied

    Can you please also reply privately with your login and password so we can take an inner look at the backend.

    Thank you,

    FlexiPress Support

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  •   Onur tarakci replied privately
  •  106
    FlexiPress replied

    Mobile submenu items are now collapsible as requested. Please check them and let us know your feedback.

    Thank you,

    FlexiPress Support

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  •  1
    Onur tarakci replied

    Hi there.

    Thank you very much. You are the best, guys!

    But i wonder when i am checking on chrome it is working fine on mobile view, but on my iphone 7plus "+" signs are disappearing. I am just seeing menu items, submenus are not reachable.

    Can you check it on your mobile phone please. 

    Best regards

  •  106
    FlexiPress replied

    Hi Onur,

    That could be a browser cache issue or something related to your device because we just tested it on a real device and everything was working great (see attached image). So please try once more or another device and let us know your feedback.


    FlexiPress Support

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