Hi, i am installing the housico theme on my wordpress. The documentation file says there are 5 plugins, but in the installation file I have 4 plugins: Housico options, Housico Shortcodes, Slider Revolution, WPBakery Page Builder.
They are not the same plugins of the documentation. Can you help me?
Those 4 plugins are required while the fifth one Contact Form 7 is recommended to be installed. If you want to start off with the demo content then we suggest you to install all theme plugins.
i am installing the housico theme on my wordpress. The documentation file says there are 5 plugins, but in the installation file I have 4 plugins: Housico options, Housico Shortcodes, Slider Revolution, WPBakery Page Builder.
They are not the same plugins of the documentation. Can you help me?
Thank you
Hi Carola,
Those 4 plugins are required while the fifth one Contact Form 7 is recommended to be installed. If you want to start off with the demo content then we suggest you to install all theme plugins.
Kind regards,
FlexiPress Support
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