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  Public Ticket #2357699
Smart Estate


  • Jim Berg started the conversation

    Purchased Smart Estate and love it but have a couple initial Qs

    1- I cannot seem to get my logo to work correctly.  It either is too small, or too large and diminished quality.  Tried a rectangle and square but both are giving me issues.

    2- I cannot figure out how to change the images in the slider.  I'm using the demo to work from.  I've adjusted other slider aspects but cannot seem to figure out how to change the images.

    3-I've got a google code for my map, but it doesn't work for me.  Any suggestions.

  •  106
    FlexiPress replied

    Hi Jim,

    Thank you for your purchase.

    Looks that you have already fixed the logo and the slider issue. Regarding the map, the issue seems to be related with the generated API key. ApiNotActivatedMapError is showing up in the console which means that the Maps JavaScript API has not been activated on your API project. Please check this for complete details.

    Kind regards,

    FlexiPress Support

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  •   Jim Berg replied privately
  •  106
    FlexiPress replied


    You can control the desktop logo size from theme settings: Smart Estate > Header > Logo Container Width. For mobile please add the code below into Smart Estate > Custom Code > Custom CSS.

    @media(max-width: 480px) {
    .vu_main-menu-container .vu_logo-container img {
    max-width: 40px !important;
    .vu_main-header.vu_mh-layout-1.vu_mh-transparent .vu_top-bar,
    .vu_main-header.vu_mh-layout-2.vu_mh-transparent .vu_top-bar {
    display: none;

    If you want to increase the logo in mobile just change 40px with your desired size.


    Google a while ago made mandatory adding billing details in order to be able to generate a working API key. You won't be charged unless you have a very large number of visits in the site. You can read more in detail here.

    Warm regards,

    FlexiPress Support

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