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  Public Ticket #2421578
Revolution slider full screen image


  • MileMijatovic started the conversation

    Hello support, can you please help me how to get the same Revolution slider appearance as on housico-3 , but instead of video , I will have slider of images.

    Please see an image in attachment (slider) - what I want to achieve 

    Please see what I have tried so far on the screenshots below (attachments below slider.png)

    Screenshot from admin panel - http://prntscr.com/spyrnr

    Please help me just how to achieve the appearance as on housico-3 demo

    Thank you 

  •  106
    FlexiPress replied


    Actually that's not part of of the slider. We build that using the Icon Box shortcode and put on the slider via custom code. Go and edit Homepage 3 page to see all the details.

    Kind regards,

    FlexiPress Support

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  • MileMijatovic replied

    I know, but I also have a lot of problem with positioning image full screen on the slider, I have tried many many solutions but does not work. Can you help me? 

  • MileMijatovic replied

    I don't know which option I need to apply in Revolution slider, so image should keep 100% of height after zoom in/zoom out

  •  106
    FlexiPress replied

    Make sure to choose Full-screen from Layout > Sizing. See https://d.pr/i/4JjUGU.

    FlexiPress Support

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  • MileMijatovic replied

    :( sorry, but you know that we have header on the top, how to make calc(100% - header.height) ? 

    Please be more recise

  •  106
    FlexiPress replied

    Oh sorry, it's definitely harder for us to give support without being able to take a look at the site. To fix that please make sure add #wpadminbar, #vu_main-header under Decrease Module Height. See  https://d.pr/i/E5Kq5E.


    FlexiPress Support

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  • MileMijatovic replied

    Great, thank you . But what in the case if I have background image (see screenshot 1), instead of (screenshot 2). In my case, I have background image, I don't have image in Layout tab. It's the same step or not ?

    And please tel me , what if I have 'header' and 'top-bar' ? What's the ID of .class for top-bar (screenshot 3) ? Thank you

  • MileMijatovic replied

    Update: Yes, it's the same, thank you, everything is clear now :)

  •  106
    FlexiPress replied

    You're welcome!smile.png

    FlexiPress Support

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  • MileMijatovic replied

    Hello support, I have HTML5 embed video as layer, not as background. Please tell me is there any option to loop video again and again when it's reach the end ? 

    Update: It's ok now , I resolved an issue

  •  106
    FlexiPress replied

    Thanks for the feedback. Glad you solved that out.

    FlexiPress Support

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