Upgraded to WordPress 6.0 and have issues? Please check the hotfix which you need to apply.

  Public Ticket #3171266
Issues to accept license


  • andresaldabe1 started the conversation

    Hello, I installed the Housico theme and activated it. When I was installing the plugins wordpress broke and asked me to reinstall it. I reinstalled it and now when I want to validate the license, it appears that it is being used in another domain. The domain is the same https://www.datacom.com.ar. Then I read the fix for the wordpress 6.0 version in line 67 of the options.php file. Could you renew my license please?

  •  106
    FlexiPress replied


    Your license has been reset and you can now activate the theme without any issues.

    Kind regards,

    FlexiPress Support

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  • andresaldabe1 replied

    Hello, I tried, but i´m having same problem.


    please check the date and time.

  •  106
    FlexiPress replied


    Please try again now. We have reset your license once more. If the problem persists please provide us with your WP login details and we will be happy to take a closer look at it.


    FlexiPress Support

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  •   andresaldabe1 replied privately
  •  106
    FlexiPress replied


    From our investigation, we doubt that the problem you are facing is related to setting the right permissions on your folders. So please either check them or contact your host provider and make sure they are set to allow the proper functioning of the theme.

    Kind regards,

    FlexiPress Support

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  • andresaldabe1 replied

    Hello, I am the administrator. In the documentation it does not appear what permissions each folder needs, but I can share the permissions they have today. The permissions problem, is it for the installation of the plugin or for the import demo button?





  • andresaldabe1 replied

    Hello! can you helpme please???

  •   FlexiPress replied privately
  •   andresaldabe1 replied privately
  •  106
    FlexiPress replied

    Thanks so much for the quick response. We managed to find the cause and fix the issue. Looks like everything went wrong after you tried to delete line 67 in options.php and after that, you zipped the file into another folder. Anyway, now the issue has been fixed and the demo content is installed. Please check and let us know if we may be of any further assistance.

    Kind regards,

    FlexiPress Support

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  • andresaldabe1 replied

    Excelent!! Thank you very much!

  •  106
    FlexiPress replied

    You're more than welcome. We'd really appreciate it if you could take a minute and leave us a rating on Themeforest.


    FlexiPress Support

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